Monday, February 9, 2009

A Year of Hair

This is how much my hair has grown in the past year. The first photo was from the summer. The other two are a year apart.
I had a check up today at the Cancer Center. I am perfect- so the Dr. says!! I am not in agreement with his scale. I feel like I have lost more weight than they say. I gained 20 while on chemo. I think I have lost 7- they say I have lost 5. I guess I need something to complain about!



Amanda M said...

You look great! Congratulations on One Year!

Browningblog said...

And you notice in all three pictures is this huge smile. Every time I saw you, you had that smile. I know you have been such a positive influence to some that I know that have went through this more recently. I don't think it answers the question why it had to happen but you sure have used it to make a difference in the lives of those around you!