Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Good Parents???

We have been looking for a new dog. Not wanting to deal with the puppy stage again I thought we would adopt from a shelter. We found a dog online, went to see it (first mistake) & didn't get accepted for the adoption. Rob went over first- I knew he would be the hardest "sell" & he is very rational/level headed. He told me the lady gave him the "third degree"- I didn't believe him. I took the kids over & couldn't answer a question right.
Lady-"Will you take the dog out on a leash?"
Me- "No- we live on a farm in the country."
Lady- "We prefer you have a fenced in back yard. Do you have any other animals?"
Me- "No"
Lady- "Well he might like a cat to play with."
I almost said that we had a cat & haven't seen in for a few months-RIP Cougar.
The only thing I didn't like about this dog was that he looked a lot like our old dog- just bigger.
The shelter lady said she would call us Wednesday & we could pick the dog up last Friday if we qualified. She didn't call or e-mail.

So- we went to the Amish store where we got Maggie. For only $25 more than the shelter fee we can be the parents of a Boston Terrier puppy without a background check or home visit. We are going to pick up "Jack" on Friday.
I almost forgot the best part:
Before I went to the Amish store & got a "talk" from Rob about how he didn't think we wanted a puppy & it needs to be warmer outside...blah blah...
We came home & told him how cute the puppy is & he said "Why didn't you bring it home?" I told him he had that "talk" with me with all the blah blah & he said " Well I didn't think you would listen to me, I just thought you would do it anyway!" So I called & will get Jack Friday. The photo above is not him- he is mostly white with a black diamond on his head.
P.S. Rob is the best husband ever!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new dog. Our beloved inside dog got killed last week right in front of me and the driver just continued on and of coarse I wanted another so after searching and searching i metioned in passing to someone and well low and behold they are giving away their poodle which is what I wanted and I would have brought it home but I thought Adam would have killed me because I got a speach similar to that also and his words exactly were why didnt you just bring it home. UGH MEN!!!!!!!!!! I would have but we are going be gone for a week so we pick up Maddie on the 15. Cant wait.