Sunday, February 28, 2010


Jordan & Rob taking a nap.

It has happened- Jordan is taller than me!!! Yikes!! How did this happen?

His voice has changed also. For a couple weeks I would hear a man talking in the other room & think someone was here-no it was Jordan. I called home this week & thought he was Rob on the phone.

Jordan loves to wear his hood-see top photo- I have thought he was Rob in the yard many times.
I put the picture of Rob in bed with Jordan. Rob will use every excuse he can to take a nap (he is doing it right now). I can't stand it. He would always say the kids needed a nap & I can't tell you how many times they would be running around & he would have fallen asleep.


1 comment:

hncfarley said...

He is pretty cute though. I am with Rob, any reason to nap is good enough for me!